Dita Lsa 707 - 01 Occhiali da Sole
Dita Lsa 707 - 01 Occhiali da Sole
Dita Lsa 707 - 01 Occhiali da Sole
Dita Lsa 707 - 01 Occhiali da Sole

Dita Lsa 707 - 01 Occhiali da Sole

DITA DLS707-A-01

We use the best lens technologies to ensure maximum visual comfort, quality and resistance, offering an optimal viewing experience in every situation.

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Choose the type of lenses

Glasses for distant vision
Lenses that correct near vision
Lenses that correct vision at all distances. This allows you to see up close, medium distance and far away, without needing to change your glasses. Transitions between distances are not noticeable on lenses
Lenses that feature a slight power shift at the bottom, offering targeted support for near focus without compromising distance vision. Ideal for those who experience eye fatigue or tension, they are a practical solution to prevent visual discomfort during the day.
Lenses for vision correction at both near and intermediate distances. Designed primarily for indoor use (in the office or at home).

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Introducing LSA 707: a retro-inspired frame that combines old Americana with modern technology. Made with a lightweight nylon-based TR90 frame and temples, LSA 707 is both stylish and comfortable. The custom anti-walk hinge pin with an open/close assisted detent feature ensures a secure fit, while the sculpted flex-fitting temples are specifically designed with curvature to provide almost 300 degrees of frame support. Styled to illicit transportation back to a time of freedom and creativity, while enjoying the convenience of modern features.

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